Ofqual UK.Gov Awarding Body


SIMI Swiss is recognized as an Authorized Institution by QUALIFI, which allows students enrolled in SIMI Swiss programs to receive dual recognition and an additional diploma from QUALIFI.

As a recognised UK awarding organisation, regulated by Ofqual, Qualifi is able to give assurances to employers, centres and learners of consistent, rigorous, quality standards and valid, valued learning. Whether you’re a learner or an employer, competition today is intense. Organisations around the globe are seeking knowledgeable, highly skilled and productive employees. Qualifi qualifications provide both learners and employers the recognition of competency that can build employee careers and global enterprises. And our qualifications combine UK standards with relevant international content, so learners can achieve their full potential in today’s global economy.

Qualifi is a leading 21st century Awarding Organisation founded to meet the developing education and training needs of learners and employers from the UK and around the globe serving the needs of learners and employers in the UK and worldwide every year.

At the heart of Qualifi’s commitment to the creation and awarding of respected qualifications is a rigorous focus on high standards and consistency, beginning with recognition as an Awarding Organisation (AO) by the qualification regulators for England (Ofqual), and as signatory to BIS international commitments of quality.

ASIC UKAccredited

ACCREDITATION LEVELUndergrate to Doctorate

Policies and Procedures

Access to Fair Assessment Policy and Procedure

A Reasonable Adjustment is an adjustment made to an assessment for a Learner which aims to remove or mitigate substantial disadvantage arising from disability or difficulty thus enabling the Learner to demonstrate his or her knowledge, skills or understanding to the levels of attainment required by the qualification and unit specifications. Reasonable Adjustments must not give the Learner an assessment advantage over other Learners taking the same qualification or units. The work generated by a Learner from a Reasonable Adjustment must be assessed and quality assured in the same way as the work from other Learners.

Access to Fair Assessment Policy and Procedure.pdf


Appeals Policy

This Appeals Policy and Procedure is for use by Centres, and prospective Centres, in relation to the decisions we make in connection with our regulated awarding organisation functions. It includes decisions about development, delivery and award.


Centre Withdrawal Policy

This policy outlines the centre approval withdrawal status to be implemented when the Qualifi qualifications (regulated and unregulated) are to be withdrawn within a range of varying circumstances. All Qualifi approved centres have signed the Centre Agreement in which they have committed to this policy.


Certification Policy

The purpose of the Certification Policy and Procedure is to provide learners and relevant stakeholders with information about the Qualifi Ltd qualification certification process. The policy outlines the requirements covering eligibility for the issuing of certificates, the circumstances in which Qualifi will replace certificates, and how the procedures underpinning this process are monitoring and evaluated. The aim of this policy is to maintain the highest possible standards of certification and to avoid fraudulent certificate claims.


Communication and Co-operation Policy and Procedure

This document has been written specifically to confirm our commitment to meeting the communication and co-operation aspects of the General Conditions of Recognition.


Complaints Policy and Procedure

Qualifi ensure complaints are dealt with quickly and efficiently avoiding the need for a formal written complaint wherever possible. However, should the matter necessitate a formal complaint, the procedures detailed in this document will be followed.


Confidentiality of Assessment Policy and Procedure

This document sets out the arrangements we put in place to maintain confidentiality. We will investigate any suspected or alleged breach of confidentiality under our Malpractice and Maladministration Policy and Procedure.


Conflicts of Interest Policy

Accordingly, as part of our governance arrangements, we will seek to address actual and perceived conflicts of interest. This document sets out where conflicts of interest may occur and explains how we will identify, monitor and manage such circumstances to promote free discussion, objective decision making and protect both the awarding organisation and the individuals involved from any possible appearance of impropriety.


Fees and Charges Policy

Qualifi aims to be transparent in our fees and charges so that Users and potential Users are clear about how much they will pay for products and services provided by Qualifi.


Invoicing Policy

Qualifi aims to be transparent in our fees and charges so that our customers are clear about what they are paying for. This document explains more about the way we issue invoices to customers to help promote transparency and fairness.



Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

The aim of this policy is to safeguard the integrity and credibility of Qualifi, to ensure that any potential malpractice or maladministration is identified, prevented, corrected and/or mitigated in every aspect of the development, delivery and assessment of Qualifi qualifications. This policy provides a clear and robust process for the identification and management of malpractice and maladministration.


Public Concern at Work (Whistleblowing) Policy

Public concern at work is commonly named as “whistleblowing”. This is when a member of staff or anappointedpersonofanorganisationreportssuspectedwrongdoingatwork;thisisofficially called ‘making a protected disclosure’. This procedure is also implemented for those individuals and organisation that wish to report a wrongdoing relating to the delivery and award of Qualifi’s qualifications and customised awards.

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the recognition of non-certificated learning towards a full (not partial) unit or qualification. The RPL process must be negotiated with the centre and must be claimed as part of a course. The centre is responsible for assessment and claiming credit. There is no difference between achievement of the required standards by RPL and achievement through a formal programme of study, therefore RPL appears on certificates as credit-bearing.


Registrations and Issuing Certificates Regulatory Requirements v March 2022

UK centres delivering regulated qualifications should be registered with the Learning Record Service (LRS), to enable learners’ achievements to be recorded on their individual learner record. Centres may need to register any learner who is not currently registered with the LRS.

Learners may be issued with a unique learner number (ULN) and the Personal Learner Record (PLR), including the use of Privacy Notices telling Learners how the information they supply may be used to issue a ULN and create a PLR. Centres should visit: Using the learning records service (LRS) for learning providers and local authorities – GOV.UK ( for further up-to-date information.

Sanctions Policy and Tariffs

We deal with non-compliance using a tariff of sanctions. The tariff aims to ensure that we deal with non-compliance in a transparent, consistent and proportionate way, and we will apply the tariff based on the evidence available to us. The purpose of sanctions is to correct non-compliant behaviour and deter future non-compliance. In this regard we will seek to work constructively with Centres to return them to compliance, by giving clear action plans including timescales by which the actions must be completed. However, we will suspend registration and/or certification, and withdraw Qualification and Centre Approval where necessary, normally if a Centre cannot or will not take necessary action or in serious cases of non-compliance. We may also notify the Qualifications Regulators.


Withdrawal of Qualifications and Units Policy and Procedure

This document sets out how we will manage the withdrawal of a qualification, or units of a qualification. It ensures that we will meet our regulatory responsibilities for managing the withdrawal of qualifications.

Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating Policy

The aim of the Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating Policy is to reduce the
number of incidents occurring that have an adverse effect on centre risk
ratings. As a consequence, the management of malpractice and or
maladministration investigations should also be reduced.

Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating Policy.pdf


FEDERAL STATUSBecome Swiss University 2027

SIMI Swiss is actively preparing to seek accreditation from the Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ), which is approved by the Swiss Accreditation Council (SAC), by 2027.

FEDERAL STATUSBecome Swiss University 2027

SIMI Swiss is actively preparing to seek accreditation from the Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ), which is approved by the Swiss Accreditation Council (SAC), by 2027.

& Recognition

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QAQC question in mind?
Blegistrasse 7, 6340 Baar, Switzerland

Quality Assurance & Quality Control Portal of SIMI Swiss

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